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Ari Weiswasser's Guajillo-Cocoa Chili

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Ari Weiswasser’s Guajillo-Cocoa Chili with Cranberry Beans & Blood Orange Olive Oil (the winner of our 1st Annual Chili Challenge)

Pairs with: 2021 Ancient Vines Carignane


Makes: 8 gallons

Step 1: Adobo


  • 8 oz weight or 40ea guajillo chiles 2 each yellow onions
  • 1 cup garlic cloves
  • 6 oz smoked paprika
  • 8 oz ground cumin
  • 2 ea habanero chilis
  • 1⁄2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 oz kosher salt
Seed and toast the chiles & soak them in hot water for 30 min. Add chilis to a blender with rest of ingredients. Set aside.

Step 2: Vegetables


  • 1 cup Grapeseed Oil
  • 6 lbs butternut squash, peeled, cleaned and diced 1/2 “cubes 5lbs dice yellow onions 1⁄2” inch
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 5 lbs clean green tomatillos and dice 1⁄4 inch
  • 5 lbs poblano chiles roasted and dice 1⁄2 inch
  • 1 cup ground garlic
Heat the oil in a large shallow pot add the onions cook it for 3min, then add the butternut squash cubes and sauté and additional 5 minutes. Add brown sugar & cook until butternut is almost cooked through, about 5 more min. Add garlic, green tomatillos & poblano chiles cook it for 3 more minutes. Remove from heat and set aside on a sheet tray to cool slightly. Use a spatula to scrape all the bits from the pot, reuse to cook the ground pork and ground beef.

Step 3: Cranberry Beans


  • 20 lbs fresh cranberry beans 1oz kosher salt
Remove beans from pods, discard pods. Will be equal to 8 lbs clean 1 oz kosher salt for seasoning. Bring to boil 1.5 gal of water, then add the cranberry beans and cook it for 20 min. Add salt and adobo and simmer for additional 10 min. Set aside.

Step 4: Protein


  • 1 cup Grapeseed oil
  • 12 lbs ground beef
  • 12 lbs ground pork
  • 1 oz kosher salt
  • 0.5 oz black pepper
  • 2.5 gal veal stock
  • 1 cup cocoa powder
  • 3 ea orange zest
Using same pot from step 2, add oil and heat it until hot, add the ground pork and beef and cook it making sure to break down any lumps cook it for 20 min on medium high heat. Strain any excess fat, bring back to heat add beans in adobo and sauté veggies from step 2 and 3. Mix well to combine. Add veal stock, orange zest and cocoa powder and bring it to a boil and then lower the heat and simmer for 45 min.

Serve and drizzle with blood orange olive oil and garnish it with micro cilantro and lime crema.